
Configuring Your System After Updating to EPM 11.2.7


Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) is a powerful ally to have when it comes to outperforming competitors across diverse market conditions thanks to the agility and insights you can gain from using it. 

In a nutshell, Oracle EPM helps you model and plan across key areas like finance, HR, supply chain, and sales, all with the purpose of shaping and pushing forward better data-driven decisions.

For EPM Hyperion to continue delivering value, it needs to be upgraded to the latest supported version of the software as listed under the Continuous Innovation model, which is 11.2.

Back in late 2021, Oracle deployed the Hyperion release 11.2.7, the latest version so far. Organizations, now more than ever, need to understand that running older versions of the software exposes them to unwanted risks and added costs, so modernizing their software is a matter of when and not if.

In this ebook, we detail how to configure your Hyperion system after upgrading to EPM 11.2.7.